The day after the Strengths in-service at Guernsey-Sunrise, a group of administrators gathered to learn more about using strengths to lead. Although the presentation was similar, I found that I gained a better understanding of strengths even though I have been involved and studying them for a few years. I find that I understand mine even better and I get new ideas on how to work with others to use their strengths to excel.
It is interesting to see the way people view different strengths. It always give me a fresh perspective to see the subtle differences in viewpoints that others have. I think we can learn a lot from listening to others and trying to see things through their eyes. When we are able to keep an open mind, I feel we learn a lot more. That certainly doesn't mean that we are continually changing our mind or values, but it does mean we are always willing to learn something new and let our ways of thinking evolve to a higher level.
I like your strengths approach but would like to know how is this effecting the way our children are being taught?
Iagree with you. I think we all can learn from each other, things we are good at we can share with others and things we are not good at we can learn from some one else that is better at it.
mr. superintendent,
i wish that wnen myIt kids were in school we would have had the opportunity to be involved the way parents are today. it would have made the prject moe exciting.
I see that you are hooked on strengths, but don't you think it would be helpful if you listed these different strengths so the rest of the world knows exactly what you are talking about. I would be curious to see what the different strengths are and what exactly you are talking about. I just came on your web site to get an idea of the district and would like to know more about these strengths that you would like your staff and administration to develop further. Does the administration include your board of supervisors, or does it just include you and the rest of your administrative staff. I really think it would be helpful if you gave other people who are logging onto this website a better definition of what you are talking about.
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