Wednesday, October 21, 2009


“Democracy is both demanding and inspiring … (it) is about who we are as individuals and how we live together as families, friends, neighbors, and citizens.”

The above quote comes from a page on the Institute for Educational Inquiry website. As I looked for information on stewardship, I came across this and thought it was a good lead in to describing the responsibilities we have as educators.

Stewardship is one of the four core principles of the Agenda for Education in a Democracy. It can be defined as the careful and responsible management of something entrusted to one's care. As communities, we are responsible for the education of our students. Too often, segments of that community either neglect their responsibility or point the finger at other constituents as the reason our children are not finding success. Stewardship is realizing we are all given certain gifts and with those gifts certain responsibilities. A commitment to excellence and toward stewardship from all involved is the key to providing our students an excellent education and a head start on a successful life.

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