Saturday, October 29, 2011

It's in the Cards

As I watched the end of Game 7 of the 2011 World Series last night, I thought perseverance would be a good theme to post on today. The St. Louis Cardinals overcame some perilous situations - both in the regular seasons and Game 6 of the Series - to pull off the championship. While I can't say I'm a Cards' fan, particularly since they beat the Brewers, I can say I am a fan of those teams that seem to find a way to make things happen.

This same attitude of perseverance can certainly pertain to everything we do, from educating our children to our own personal and professional lives. It is certainly understandable that many of us face circumstances and situations that try us and look to be difficult at best or almost impossible at worst. It is at these times that we remember that perseverance can take us a long way. There will be obstacles on our way to success, but it is those who are able to continue hammering away at the obstacle or diligently finding a way over or around it that seem to find success time and again.

There is an adage that what we focus on, we realize. If we can persevere through the difficulties and focus on staying the course, success will come. It's not always easy to see, but perseverance can see us through to the end.

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